rose red naomi

Red Naomi Roses the scented red rose that expresses love at first sight


Advice on buying Red Naomi Roses

Always try to buy your Red Naomi Roses from a wholesaler if you can. The reasons being that Red Naomi are not a cheap rose & you need to be sure they are as fresh as possible. You will also need to understand which grades are available for purchase - this will depend on the job in hand. For example, if you are giving away single stems of red naomi at a product launch then a short stemmed, low grade rose will be fine. If the red naomi are for a wedding, you will probably need a mix of different stem lengths of top grade roses. The other reason for using a wholesaler is that you get the best possible price & this is important as red naomi are not cheap to begin with!

From our experience, we have found many flower wholesalers unhelpful, but would like to recommend a fresh flower wholesaler called Triangle Nursery Ltd. They are very professional, will give all the advice and time needed and have a fantastic web site showing 1000's of fresh flowers and foliages, (including every grade of Red Naomi Rose on the market), everything is in full colour with live market prices - which makes budgeting that bit easier! They are a specialist wedding flower wholesaler and deliver to any address in the UK.

You can find and buy Red Naomi Roses from their web site by clicking here.

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